Sex Over 50

Sex. How often, how your body changes, how your libido changes and how sex after 50 can be your best yet, despite all that. Sex therapist Jessa Zimmerman talks about what we know about sex and what we just think we know. Sex – oh, yeah, we go there on Keep it Juicy!


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Sexual Health: Our Birthright

If you want to get Dr. Sandra Bevacqua riled up, just mention that we ought to just accept sexual decline as we age. Nope! If you listen to Dr. Sandy, the problem is ignorance – not only do we know know our own bodies, but even medical professionals aren’t trained in all the ways and places we can get pleasure! Dr. Sandy is passionately committed to helping women of all ages achieve the best sexual health. She joins us today to talk about pelvic health, sexual health, and how all of this can contribute to overall health.

Bevacqua 2017 Business Photo